that was a good salad fingers. i love all of them. keep on making them.
i didnt like that maybe its just me. i think your animation is very fluid. it's a little choppy but to fix that just add more frames. i think you should animate characters. i would love to see you do that cause your animation is very good.
that was good as shit. the story was awsome. looking forward to seeing more of your work. how long did it take you to do that?
that was good animation. but i just didnt know what ws going on!!!!
that was some good animation very fluid. and the story structure was very nice. keep rocking.
yeah, i worked my butt off for some of the walking animations, drinking, etc. Thank you for the + review!
nice animation!
the animating was very nice. i like how stuff just happened so random that really made it a little more funnier. keep on rocking mang.
well i didnt really understtand what was going on in that animation.
really didnt make any sense.
Since when do Flash movies have to make sense? ;D
what can i say that was funny. you just need to work on your drawing skillsand make your animation more fluid and i think your work would be very nice...
im just drawing!!!
art institute of philadelphia
annapolis md
Joined on 7/8/05